GraphQL is becoming more relevant each passing day, and becoming necessary to connect to many APIs on the web. In this post, I’ll show you how to connect to a publically available GraphQL API with Angular and Apollo Client. You will need basic knowledge of JavaScript to follow along, and although some basic Angular knowledge is useful, it is not entirely necessary, and I’ll explain enough so that anyone can follow along.

If you plan on writing more advanced applications in Node.js, you may find the need to store information persistently. Depending on the needs of the application, you may opt for storing data in a relational database like Postgres. In this article, I’m going to cover how you can use Node.js to connect to and execute queries against a Postgres database.

When working with Node.js you’ll encounter code that is run synchronously and asynchronously. When things run synchronously, tasks are completed one at a time. All other tasks must be completed before another one can be started. As discussed in our first Node.js post, Node.js uses an event loop to manage asynchronous operations.

Ginger is a morph target demo that was initially written in 2011 for chrome experiments, and then rewritten to work as progressive web app in early 2016. In essence, Ginger is a customizable head that uses a slider to tweak various facial features, much like a character customization system one would find in a video game. It also supports taking screenshots, and generating share links that can be used to share your creation with others.

I’ve messed with Discord bots in servers quite a bit and I’ve always had fun with the various game bots that I’ve encountered. I’ve played with complex bots that play Cards Against Humanity, and relatively simple bots like one that emulates an 8 ball. All the 8 ball did was respond with ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ at random, and even a bot that simple is very fun when played with friends. I wanted to get into the Discord bot creation game to see how these things tick.