Hello! I’m Jamie

I am a fullstack software engineer based in California with over 10 years of experience building performant experiences for the web. I am highly experienced in the backend having maintained APIs and microservices written with Node.js and Python; but also the frontend as well with React, Next.js and Angular.

Currently I’m employed as a Senior Software Engineer at This Dot working primarily on frontend creating performant and resilient experiences that users can count on. I’ve had the opportunity to work on websites and services from marketing campaign landing pages to online ordering systems.

If you want to see some of what I’ve done, then feel free to check out my work experience, side projects, or recent posts.

In my free time I am a D&D and RPG nerd that is seemingly incapable of playing anything that doesn’t have pointy ears. In-particular I’m currently a very active World of Warcraft player raiding with my guild every week killing bosses and getting loot. As far as programming goes I have been getting back into the side project groove again.

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I’ve written quite a lot over the years! Most of them have been written for This Dot. Check out my full list of tags if you want to read about a specific subject.

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